Value Your Vibes, LLC
Express your emotions without saying a word!
About the Company
Value Your Vibes® aims to provide easy-to-use culturally-relatable tools and relevant resources to help Black individuals value their vibes and improve their emotional well-being as they interact with themselves, family, friends, communities, and organizations on a daily basis.
Value Your Vibes® believes that the development of emotional intelligence through self-awareness can be achieved by recognizing how emotions and feelings can affect mental health, work/school performance, physical health, and relationships, which will ultimately lead to more acceptance, understanding, compassion, and respect toward one another. It is our goal to have our tools be seen and used in homes, classrooms, workplaces, clinics, and any environment that places a high value on personal and professional development and has an interest in improving emotional intelligence skills.
Pitch Summary
Value Your Vibes® aims to address the lack of culturally-relatable tools that specifically cater to the needs of Black individuals in enhancing their emotional well-being. This lack of support hinders Black individuals from effectively improving their emotional well-being as they engage with themselves, their families, friends, communities, and organizations.
With so much happening in the world today, it is very easy to become unaware of the many emotions and feelings you go through every day. Paying attention to, acknowledging, and talking about our feelings is not something many Black men and women have been taught to do or have seen modeled. Most of us have heard at some point in our lives “You’ll be fine” or “You need to get over it!” Along those lines, when someone asks you how are you doing, how many of us give robotic answers like “Fine”, “Well” or “Good” knowing that none of that is true! I always thought bringing my feelings up to other people presented a burden, but I’ve learned that IT IS OK to recognize and talk about emotions, good and bad, because they are a part of being HUMAN.
Our VIBERS are individuals, organizations, and institutions that place a high value on personal and professional development and have an interest in improving their emotional intelligence skills.
- Individuals seeking personal growth and self-improvement
- Human resource professionals
- Management and leadership teams
- Coaches, therapists, and mental health practitioners
- Educators and trainers
- Employees in customer-facing roles
We currently offer a variety of products with multiple variations for adults and children. Our best selling product is the Daily Vibe Check Magnet, which is the only one on the market today that displays Black characters.
The premise behind Value Your Vibes® is to reflect on how you are feeling at the present moment and indicate that on your Daily Vibe Check Magnet, Poster, or Door Sign in an environment that you will frequent, such as the kitchen, office, bedroom or classroom. We even offer a digital journal for those who want something more private or are frequently on the go. This act of acknowledging your feelings and emotions then allows for you to delve deeper into possible triggers, reasons that led you to that emotion or feeling, and possible actions on dealing with them.
According to the Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health, Black adults in the U.S. are more likely than White adults to report persistent symptoms of emotional distress, such as sadness, hopelessness, and feeling like everything is an effort. It is our hope that these tools will lead to tracking emotions and feelings everyday, even multiple times a day, to aid in making mental health and self-care a priority. This practice in self-awareness and self-regulation will then lead to open and healthy discussions with family members, friends, coworkers, students, clients, and patients to enhance social awareness and relationship management, allowing all of these components to work together to increase emotional intelligence.
After launching in October 2022, we have seen significant growth in the first year. By the end of October 2023, we had over 400 customers, over 1200 units sold, and almost 600 orders fulfilled (1 being international). We are present on 8 online platforms with the majority of sales generated from Amazon and attended 10 pop-up events including Essence and 1 out-of state event.
Meet Our Founders

Janine Clarke